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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Henderson Manor near completion!

So, Henderson Manor, the second installment in the Patrick McLaughlin series is almost complete. I have some proof readers ready and waiting and it WILL be out by February 28th. I will be doing an online launch of Henderson Manor with competitions and giveaways so be on the look out for some great prizes. 
Henderson Manor is going to be full of twists and surprises so I hope that you will enjoy them. I have worked very hard on this book and I am really going to miss writing it when it is done. I already have a third book trying to burst out of me so as soon as Henderson Manor is out I will be working on that. It doesn't have a name yet and it is not going to be paranormal crime, it will fall into the fiction genre. 
I hope that you all have a lovely Christmas and fantastic New Year. Thank you so much all of you for your support and I genuinely hope that you all have a lovely time over the Christmas break. 

Love Emma x