To all my readers

Thanks for visiting my website. You can read about what I have been doing with regards to my writing. You can also find out about the latest releases, competitions of promotions.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

It's all happening!

Hi everyone, I know I haven't posted anything for a while. So I thought I'd give you an update. So, here goes...

I have been and still am working hard on the re-edits of Beyond Evidence, getting it ready for its re-release next year. Don't worry, the story will not change, there are just some changes to be made. It has been nice to re-visit the characters in this book, it has cast my mind back to when I first decided to write the book. I had no idea that I would come this far. I have received some wonderful feedback and comments about the Patrick and Jodie story line and I had no idea that people liked their characters so much.
I have had some wonderful feedback on Henderson Manor too and I am thrilled that the books have been successful. During the free download promo of Beyond Evidence, it reached number 1 in thrillers. I was delighted, to say the least.
Beyond Evidence reached number 1 in free thriller downloads this summer. 

Is there more to come from this series? We shall see.

As well as working on the re-edits, I am also writing Chasing the Traveller, which is my third novel. The title at the moment, fits the story, however it could change. Watch out for it. I am loving writing this book as it is a completely new path for me, which is scary but so exciting. All I will say is that the book delves into the lives of a travelling community. One traveller in particular decides to flee her violent husband and embarks on a journey where she intends to discover where she comes from. What she finds is not what she hopes for and things take a turn she doesn't expect.

I will be signing with Olida Publishing based in Aberdeen. The company already houses some wonderful authors and I am honoured and privileged to be on board.
Beyond Evidence and Henderson Manor are side by side in Waterstones at Intu Braehead shopping centre.

I will be working from now until January to get Beyond Evidence and Henderson Manor to their best and I will be working to complete the first draft of Chasing the Traveller by January.

I hope you'll all still follow my work and continue to support me in my writing journey.
If you haven't read any of my books, they are available on amazon and kobo. A free sample is available to download - try before you buy.

Happy Saturday everyone.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

May is going to be a busy month!

Hi everyone, hope you're all good. I have been working on book three, which most of you will be aware has a working title, 'Chasing the Traveller.' So far the story is flowing well and I am really enjoying writing this one. I am thriving on writing new characters and being out of my comfort zone. The book is set in Scotland again (where else?) and there will be some shocking twists and turns in this book. I loved writing about Patrick and Jodie and Henderson Manor was a good way to end their traumatic story. However, never say never......

Chasing the Traveller is a work in progress and I will continue to work hard and produce another book that hopefully you will enjoy.

May has some exciting events in store for me, I am going to meet the wonderfully talented James Oswald at Dalmuir library for the WDC Booked festival on Wednesday 21st May. I am currently reading his first Inspector McLean novel, Natural Causes and so far I am thoroughly enjoying it.

I have something else on in May which I have to keep under wraps at the moment but I will keep you all updated as soon as I can.

I would also like to mention that Denzil Meyrick's fantastic new novel, The Last Witness, will be out in July. It is the second installment of the DCI Daly crime book, Whisky from Small Glasses. Look out for that one and any events to follow its release.

Books that are on my to read list on kindle at the moment which you may want to check out yourself;

Mel Sherratt - Watching Over You

Rachel Kennedy - I Know You

Casey Kelleher - Heartless

Johan Theorin - The Asylum

Lesley Thomson - A Kind of Vanishing

If you have or are currently reading any of the above books, get in touch and tell me what you think of them. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter. Happy reading everyone.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Henderson Manor's release success

Hi everyone. So, 1st March came and went very quickly and the Facebook launch of Henderson Manor was a big success. I loved every minute of it and everyone who participated made it even better than I imagined. I wanted to thank the authors who donated a signed copy of their books, Mel Sherratt, Denzil Meyrick, Casey Kelleher, Stephen Edger and Michael Malone. Your donations made the day even more fun and I think the winners of those books would agree.
So, Henderson Manor went into amazon's top 100 crime books for the first few weeks after release and is still selling well, now sitting at 20,000 or there about at the moment.
Beyond Evidence and Henderson Manor, for those of you who do not know, are paranormal crime thrillers which are set in Glasgow and full of twists and surprises that you may not expect.

I am now working on book three, which at the moment does not have a title, however I can say that I am dropping the paranormal element for the time being and focusing on fiction. I am loving the new story so far and can tell you it is still set in Glasgow and will have a lot of surprises in store.

Anyway I am so happy that my readers have come back for a second installment in my work and I cannot thank you enough for your continued support. Word of mouth is definitely a great way of promotion so you're all part of my success.
I also wish to thank McMonagles restaurant in Clydebank for their continued support. Best chippy you'll find in Scotland, so if you're ever in Glasgow, pop in to the chippy on the boat and pick up a fish supper or a pizza. You won't be disappointed.

So, if you fancy reading the second installment in the Patrick McLaughlin series, or the first for that matter, here is where you can find them.

Thank you so much everyone.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Henderson Manor release - it's only ten days away.

Hi everyone, I know it has been a while since I posted on here. I have been very busy getting Henderson Manor ready for release on Saturday 1st March. Are you looking forward to it? I know I am. There will be a Facebook launch of the book and I really hope you can make it. The cover is fantastic and Allen Theobold, my cover designer has done a wonderful job once again. I would love for you to come over to the Facebook launch page and check out the fantastic competitions and book giveaways by some wonderful authors. Please follow the link below and check out what will be happening on the day of the launch, all you have to do is log onto Facebook, click on the event page and watch the competitions unfold. Good luck to those of you who enter.